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Wow, thanks Randy and Ed. Amazing giveaway and very generous. I haven't been on the forum much lately and almost missed this one.

But now I am all in.

Looks like this is the last day. So Im gona BUMP this thread to the top one more time! Good luck and God Bless YA. :)
Hey I just noticed, doesn't DST stand for daylight savings time ? :detective:
Hey I just noticed, doesn't DST stand for daylight savings time ? :detective:

Damn, almost made it. I was hoping no one would notice. :O:giggle: It should be EDT (Eastern Daylight Time). So the drawing will be tonight between 8:00 and 9:00 Eastern time (7:00 and 8:00 for those of us living in the central time zone).
So that's between 2:00 and 3:00 this afternoon for all of us living in paradise right?:D:hula:
I believe so.....:doublethumbsup:. This might help more...43 minutes to closing.
I believe so.....:doublethumbsup:. This might help more...43 minutes to closing.

i'd better win, or i won't turn off the global warming.*

*if i do win, i have no ability to turn off global warming.
It is the witching hour...back in a few minutes with the winner!
Well damn, I never thought that this would come in second to anything, :butbutbut: ......the winner is #44, Marc4pt0, :lmao:. Congratulations on both of your acquisitions today (did I mention you now owe me your firstborn?). When you get a chance to catch your breath, message me your address and I'll get you the knife ASAP. :party2:
Congratulations Marc4pt0! It's a beautiful knife, I'm sure it will cut well :)
Congratulations! And thanks, guys, for the excitement.
Not what I had hoped for ;) But congratulations!

you. got. to. be. kidding. me.
At first I laughed when I saw I was #44, 4 being my "lucky number". Seriously, when I fill up at the gas station, I always make sure the total ends with the #4. Crazy, yes, but 4 has been good to me! I CAN'T FREAKING BELIEVE THIS!!!!! What an amazing day! Thank you guys, really, there's just no way I could even begin to thank you guys and this forum enough! Holy crap, I think I'm crying again. You guys are GREAT!!
All I really want to know is if you pick lottery numbers? :rofl2: