Main plate Tuscan Chicken

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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2016
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Made this dish yesterday and it’s delicious....
Can scale up or down...
I used 3 lbs of chicken legs and thighs.... shake in a ziplock with 2 T flour, 1t salt, 1t pepper...
Heat skillet with 3 T evo and brown chicken on both sides...
Add 3 cloves sliced garlic...chopped fresh rosemary and thyme (dried works) and 2 cups white wine...
Reduce by 1/2 on stove top....
Add 2 fennel bulbs in small wedges...3 lemons sliced with seeds and pith removed...1 cup whole green olives
and 1/2 cup chicken stock...cover and bake at 400 degrees for 45-60 min....
Remove and top with lemon zest...fennel fronds...parsley all chopped together....
(Optional...before adding topping, can broil to brown the dish then topping)
Get the tastiest green olives you can find, they are a big flavor pop......
And be very liberal with the final topping....
Glad you liked it!