So I was an EDC knife guy/collector and had some requisite Shuns to say I was interested in kitchen knives too (this was 15ish years ago). I had actually gotten a 6 kitchen knife rotation, but I didn't know what I didn't know. I went with something safe because it was honestly pretty overwhelming. I was an active member on forums, yada yada, fully in. I was even deeper into EDC knives, than kitchen. Caused the same marital problems too. My collecting ebbed and flowed, sometimes it took something to pique my interest again.
I casually joined the chefknife subreddit and accidentally set push notification to 'on'. I kept getting notifications of NKD this and NKD that. I was largely annoyed, but then one day, someone posted a knife, I don't even remember what it was, but it awoke that hole in my soul that could only be filled by sharp things. From that point on, I was a goner. I got a Y. Kurosaki Senko and was blown away. Granted, I had an Akifusa laser, but this was a whole new level of grind. This got me even more on-board. I soon found myself looking for my next purchase. Soon, my collections was always' N + 1.' I got a few more from online shops and then I found out about these forums and the 2ndary market. I wasted no time and got a Nordquist and an Adonis forge and I was lost after that. I actually started collecting westerns before I started collecting Japanese knives.
Since then, I have been consuming knives and selling some. It's been a little much. I was on a quest to find the what I liked the best. It may not necessarily be what everyone else likes. Well, turns out (again!) that I am not unique and definitely not special. I am materialistic to a degree and like buying stuff. I have several closets overflowing with shoes, belts, and clothes. I found I follow a similar pattern in getting stuff that I am invested (pun intended) in. I rarely get a few really exceptional pieces, but I get a lot of really great pieces. I like quality & quantity, so I rarely get the nicest of things, but I get a ton of pretty damn nice things. It isn't any cheaper.
I was also really into endurance sports during this whole time. It took up a lot of time and helped me with my mental health. I was doing anywhere from 5-20 hours per week, depending on the season. I've lost that love but I needed to do something with my time otherwise I was going to be in a lot of trouble. That's when I got the idea that I could make a knife. These are just people doing it and I am a people too. So I started taking a blacksmithing course and signed up for a knife making class. Well, I went and broke my rt. hand and had to take a break, and I was just getting started. I was really itching to do something. Part of knifemaking is handle making and I have bought a knife based on a handle before, I love an awesome handle. So I decided I would at least start learning that. (**Sidenote: I am deliberately avoiding Jnats because, well because of the paragraphs above, I'd get sucked in). A forum member here was getting out of the handle game and I bought all of his materials and I have made 3 handles so far.
TLDR; everybody ebbs and flows. We are here for the same and different reasons. Myself included, I think there are many here that wish they could say they are satisfied with their lot and be done with it.