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Feb 12, 2013
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I have a spare TT that I have owned for about 25 years that I want to give away to a KKF member that is willing to pick it up or is coming to the ECG at my home. It is an Italian Tecksonor CD9S. Piano black laquer finish, belt drive, with both 33 and 45. This is a dual belt drive and I have never had th second belt nor have I been able to locate one. It has a cartridge but it should be replaced. I also just notice one of the knobs I took off years ago when trying to find a belt is now missing - I will search around for it but doubt I will find it.

When I got it in the mid 80's they were going for about 400 bills. They had a hard time establishing a foothold so they are pretty rare - for what that's worth. Teksonor.jpg
Likely a good idea to replace even the one belt you already have, as after all these years it likely will not perform well (I know the one on my B&O is less pliable, and slips a bit).

I also found a couple expired ad lists where people were selling CD9Ss that had walnut plinths for $1,000 - $2,000.

Whoever takes this off your hands should have a great TT for probably not more than $75 + cartridge cost. That is a helluvagood deal.
I would love this! I've been thinking about getting a TT for awhile. I plan on coming to the ECG. Thanks!!!!!
Sweet table...put a shure mx97e on it if you like playing old beat up records.