Togashi Edge Defects

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Feb 27, 2024
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Hello all!

Just had my first Togashi arrive yesterday from ProTooling’s sale (240 Aogami 1 SS clad Migaki gyuto with a Kurokaki Persimmon handle). Tried a paper cut to see how sharp OOTB it was and noticed a slight delay in the actual cut but didn’t think much more of it. Today I was messing around with the new knives and noticed a catch again in the edge when I was wiping it off with a towel. Upon further inspection I noticed some sort of pitting or the likes about halfway down the length of the knife. Rubbed it with a paper towel to make sure it wasn’t rust so I don’t believe it is that. There was a little texture to it too when I ran my nail along it so there’s most definitely some depth to it and it’s not just superficial. Anybody know what this is? Excuse my ignorance if it’s something common, I’m still pretty new to this.

I’ve attached a few pictures, hopefully you all can see what I’m talking it as it was a bit hard to photograph with just an iPhone camera.

Side note, beyond this issue the knife looks and feels amazing.View attachment IMG_0835.jpeg