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Hobbyist / Craftsman
Jan 27, 2020
Reaction score
Sharpening this knife for a friend. It's 210x70, 260g. It has like every design feature you can think of. Handle is skinny hard plastic with a noticeable seam down the middle that "tapers" down to an ungrippable diameter at the back. There's a finger choil, granton edge, and even a speed bump (not a crack) midway down the blade. The blade is balanced right behind that ball thing.

Choil Shot:
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Lol I'm surprised someone used it enough to dull it. How much do you charge per knife?
Suppose to be a "meat cleaver" by MUDI brand which, despite words like "Kuchenmeister" "Rostfrei" and "Germany" on the box really kind of reaks of a Yangjiang 7cr product.
It's garbage and I would respectfully tell that to the owner and then steer them to something inexpensive but far superior.
Oh I totally agree with you there. Doubt my friend will spend money to replace it though. Worth a try I guess
wait, what is the purpose of the speed bump? Is there some logic to it that I'm missing
I used one of these ages ago in a college shared kitchen (this was long before I had even heard of jknives). I wish I could deliver a stinging indictment of how awful it was but honestly it was probably no worse than the rest of the beat-to-hell knives in that place. Never figured out what the ball thing was for though.
The black ball I have no idea. The speed bump seems to be a ghetto way of having the back part thicker than the front
Ah, that makes some twisted sense.. I get the black ball, it reminds me of the way my mom would pinch the back of the knife while rock chopping.
It reminds me of the Chineses "wenwu文武" cleaver, which features thin front part for slicing and thick heel part for bone chopping. The plastic clip on the spine is supposed to prevent thin julienne to cumulate on the blade. It looks funny though.
Well "Mudi" is pretty close to the word in japanese for "hopeless" at least in pronounciation to my knowledge. Apt naming :)
You have to admit Kung Fu Ma Ma is a great name.

"Well "Mudi" is pretty close to the word in japanese for "hopeless" at least in pronounciation to my knowledge. Apt naming :)"

Muri 無理, hopeless, impossible, no way Jose.
Muddy might be closer.
Besides they aren't trying to be fake Japanese, they're trying to be fake