Dumb work injuries

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Dec 30, 2016
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Did myself a good one tonight. I cut the tip of my right index finger d___ed near off; it's at least a flap rather than totally open (sorry, gross) but it's going to be annoying for at least a week. How did this happen? While blazing through a sack of onions with my AS nakiri? Nope. Furiously chopping a case of Romaine with my brand new 270? Nope. Wielding my 12" Sab on the line? Another nope. I somehow slipped while cleaning my peeler between the first and second waves of dinner. It went beyond the category of "well, I knew better than to do that" past "wasn't even thinking" all the way to "how did that even happen?" I can't even figure it out. Might have been a hole in the towel. Worst of all, it's my personal peeler, but it's a bloody (ha) peeler -- I could have chucked it in the dish pit and retrieved it later. Anyone ever done something that feels that level of dumb?
Peeler, as in a standard veggie peeler? Easy to forget that they can be rather sharp.

I rarely nick myself with my knives. It is always the stupid things that get me: cleaning around/under equipment that has sharp corners (I usually directly grab a file and file them down!), grab hot pads from on top of the steam box right after opening the darn thing or scraping off soft wet skin on sharp edges of hotel pans. I hate having to deal with the healing time. Wounds take forever to heal when having to constantly wear band-aids and gloves.
Home cook, but still: I have a Robert Herder paring knife in a 'mittelspitz' model. Instead of the usual sheepfoot design it has the point in the center and the profile is almost completely symmetrical. So in a rush I went to cut something small, grabbed the parer, and used it with my index finger pushing on on the spine of the blade. Too bad I had the blade upside down and was simply pushing my finger into the edge. It was bloody.
Mash one toe with the nail trimmed at an angle into another while squeezing your foot into a tight sock.

Ask me how I know.
Puréed hot soup in a vitamix, not noticing that whoever used the equipment before me left the machine on high, and speed at 10 when I turned it on. I have splatter burn scars on my chest to this day. Also, once I needed a number 10 can of tomatoes open on the fly and our can opener sucked, got the can open about half way and tried to rip it open with my hand the rest of the way. The serrations in the can lid cut right into my palm, got a dozen stitches from that one.
So back about 25 years ago the employer could still get away with telling women they had to wear skirts, pantyhose, and heels when visiting client locations. Problem was, I was on a large outsource engagement and was ALWAYS at a client location. So here I am, in a friggin skirt and heels working a 70+ hour week and tired as all heck. Take off my heels to give my feet a break at 9pm on a Saturday night ...

An promptly steps on a 1 inch heavy duty staple (we processed thick income tax returns) that was on the floor. Went straight up into my foot. Had to use a staple remover to pull it out at that sucker hurt like a sonnabitch!

Nothing compared to you guys in the kitchen, but hey...it is titled "Dumb work injuries"

After that I always kept flats at the client location to change into after hours.
In the restaurant on a day when we were closed, roasting something or another for some event, and I go to put the heavy roasted meat on its sheet pan on a speed rack, and I chest bump it into the slot the way I always do...

...but I'm wearing a sweaty t-shirt instead of a chef's jacket, so I end up with a sheet pan burn right across my chest. Because I'm dumb.
@labor, ouch! @preizzo, I did the same to my thumb - I was using a guard no less, it somehow got stuck and my hand kept going right into the blade. I thought I'd have a funny shaped thumb forever, but it grew back after a few months. At home, too, not even at work.
So back about 25 years ago the employer could still get away with telling women they had to wear skirts, pantyhose, and heels when visiting client locations. Problem was, I was on a large outsource engagement and was ALWAYS at a client location. So here I am, in a friggin skirt and heels working a 70+ hour week and tired as all heck. Take off my heels to give my feet a break at 9pm on a Saturday night ...

An promptly steps on a 1 inch heavy duty staple (we processed thick income tax returns) that was on the floor. Went straight up into my foot. Had to use a staple remover to pull it out at that sucker hurt like a sonnabitch!

Nothing compared to you guys in the kitchen, but hey...it is titled "Dumb work injuries"

After that I always kept flats at the client location to change into after hours.

I'm sure the staple was still a relief compared to the heels! :laugh:
That serrated edge on the plastic wrap box gets me more often than it should...

Gotta +1 that one man, can't agree enough on how many times that serrated sucker has gotten me :doublethumbsup:
I wasn't involved, but a friend typed up the paperwork when someone had a fall at work due to someone spitting on the floor. The paperwork gave the cause of the accident as "Slipped on a loogie."
I have got a few.

Hot stock in the shoe.

Tried to pull the tube of plastic wrap from the box. The serrated cutter popped up and marked me across my face.

I managed to fill the deep friar ignition chamber with gas, and it blew up in my face. Got away with singed eyebrows on that one.
been taking sh!t for this one for years.....

so my hands are masserated for working the cold side all week, grab a carrot and the mandolin.
Is it he blade that gets me? no no no.
the carrot had the slighted bit of grit on the skin and cut me under my fingernail.

... a carrot....
hey everybody
yeah i also cut myself on sharp cambro corners,or tomato cans,but yesterday i upped the ante
sliced my right tyhmbs knuckle in the slicer
4 stiches,jel paste,part of skin gone,but could be way worse with a few milimetres so im happy,just chogging painkillers and relaxing now