What's in your bag?

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Oh that sound tasty, where can we see your upgrades ?

I just so happen to have my bag right in front of me
Nice, how you like the Spåre so far?
I absolutely love it. It is I believe the second release of the first edition… so it looks a little different/more rustic than the newer ones, which I really like. I also think that the newer ones are a little bit thinner than mine, which again I am happy with the way mine is. Absolutely unbelievable knife for the price. I love it so much I would buy another one.
My bag that I bring home daily.

Missing from picture: Rikon peeler and Messermeister paring knife.View attachment 207155

This nakiri is really interesting, never seen such long stee before. May I ask on which tasks are you using more? Are you using it as a beater? Do you have any video while cutting anything? Or would you like to shoot us a video? 😍
This nakiri is really interesting, never seen such long stee before. May I ask on which tasks are you using more? Are you using it as a beater? Do you have any video while cutting anything? Or would you like to shoot us a video? 😍
Cabbage, lettuce, Trolls and squashes it does good with. Anything that can be done with push or chop cut. 100% flat spot. I don't have any video.
For now.
Thanks for starting this one Jordanp. I enjoy the what's in the bag concept too. I saw your Takeda and thought I might offer a few images. I'm a home cook and kitchen knife collector so the bag is sparse.

That's a nice bag!
Top row
240 Itsuo Doi B2 gyuto
240 Toyama SC B2 gyuto
300 Toyama B2 yanagiba
300 Toyama IC B2 suji
270 Shigefusa kitaeji yanagiba/really wants to be a fugu though

Bottom row
150 Wat B2 honesuki
210 Toyama IC B2 gyuto
180 Toyama B2 deba
210 Konosuke W2 suji
150 Itinomonn SC SS petty

Darkhardt wrap and bag...Hazy Lazy IPA for moral support

View attachment 121947
a pic of what my bag has held for the past month or so, the contents shuffle around pretty frequently but the constants tend to be the petty, the deba, the suji and the bread. Gyutos come and go, thinking I might change the nihei out for my yoshikane and the matsubara for the matt sicard Nitro-V workhorse I have coming in sometime next week.