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Salty dog

Senior Member
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
I lost a friend and employee yesterday. Not my first.

There is always a way. Believe me.

Freakin dark day.
The first was an eighteen year old dishwasher who didn't fit in.
Take care of your brothers the best you can.
My condolences. I've gone though the aftermath of suicide before. The loss never really hits home until a few days later.
Sorry to hear that, saw the pic on FB but did not know the story. I have come too close for comfort a few times myself, but also survived a few friends who pulled it through and know what it does to the ones who cared. Tough to deal with, hope you will hold up as well as possible.

My father committed suicide, 9 years ago. I understand how it is.
Sorry to hear your loss Scott , few years ago I had lost a dishwasher of mine too , it was really sad times
I'm sorry. I too have lost someone very close to me to suicide, and it was simply shocking the sense of loss I felt -- and still experience in different ways years later.

My best.

I've lost a couple of people in my life this way, and was nearly one of them on several occasions. My heart goes out to everyone affected.
Scott: So sad. Your advice is right on I think. I wish depression etc were not so stigmatized in our society and that more people afflicted felt comfortable reaching out for help, and that real help was available. Regardless, my thoughts and wishes to you and his friends and family.
Wow that sucks. Sorry for your loss, and for all those it effected. Sad indeed.
I feel for you man, it is horrible for someone to lose a person in their circle and not being able to make a difference and that comes from living the same experience here.

I lost a brilliant lady who was working with me years ago. She was funny, a great mother and the image of happiness so the news totally shocked us, but apparently the situation at home was such that she decided to go that way.
Everyone here feels it.

Don't beat yourself up nor let anyone else do that. Y'all aren't responsible for someone else's choice. There is enough tragedy here w/o creating more. 23 years on from my first experience with this, I still have to remind myself of this from time-to-time.
I lost a friend and employee yesterday. Not my first.

There is always a way. Believe me.

Freakin dark day.

Sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, when you're in that mind set it feels like there isn't a way. :(
I'm so sorry for your loss. Lost a good friend about a year ago, it's still tough to think about.
Sorry for your loss! I know you wish there was more you could have done but don't beat yourself up.
So sad.... sorry for your loss. Lost a childhood friend about eight months ago...... Eight kids....... There is always a way.

Dear God, please look out for our tortured friends. AMEN.
Sorry for your loss buddy, sucks that's for sure

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