Norton vs. Diamond HRC Question

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Feb 28, 2024
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New to sharpening properly, and I'd like to make sure that I start out on the right foot. I own a Norton IM200S oil 3-stone sharpener with Medium Crystolon, Fine India, and Soft Arkansas stones. I recently purchased from ptolemy two diamond stones of 1000 and 3000 grit. I've made a chart of the various steels used in my knives with corresponding HRC. These include:
VG10 HRC60-61
White #2 HRC 60-61
Silver #3 Ginsan HRC 60-62
14C28N HRC 60-62
White #1 HRC 62-63
R2/SG2 HRC 63
135Cr3 HRC 63
Blue Super HRC 63-64
Blue #2 HRC 63-65
Apex Ultra HRC 66+
ASP2053 HRC 67-67.5

From what I understand, lower HRC steel will probably be better suited for the Norton system, and the diamond stones will work better on higher HRC steel. Is this too simplistic? Is there a HRC dividing line that dictates which system to use? Thanks in advance.
Personally, I'd just use the diamonds for the lot. The Norton stuff will work on pretty much everything you have I'd think, but diamonds work great regardless of the steel. In fact my favorite application for them is soft floppy cheap stainless - so abrasive choice isn't driven by HRC