name the ONE comfort food for you.

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Never understood this obsession with white meat. It's bland, worse in texture, worse in ability to resist heat, worse in flavor. It's worse in everything.
I can't wait until someone genetically modifies a chicken with 4 legs instead.
I could not agree with you more. White meat has so much less flavor, is dryer and the texture is gritty compared to dark meat. Of course at Thanksgiving one year my wife’s niece made a turkey for her first time and the only people that got food poisoning were us dark meat eaters🤣.
Very very fresh oats
Hayden mills makes great oats
Never liked oats before that. Their farmers porridge is also excellent. Carefully stove cooked rice with toppings after
I really can’t think of just one, so here’s a few:

- Jerk chicken with plantain, rice and peas, mango slaw and some jerk bbq sauce. Having spare plantains left in the pan for you to sneak back into the kitchen and steal is mandatory. You can sub the jerk chicken for goat curry and it’s equally elite.

- Neapolitan style Capricciosa.

- Short rib ragu.

- Tai Meshi. How a comfort food from an entirely different culture that I first ate in my twenties is able to instantly transport me back to my childhood is incomprehensible, but magical.

- Proper mutton biryani served in a pot with a salt dough lid.

- Basically anything with sausages in it, from any culture that eats sausages.

I could go on, but I’ve long since violated the rules of the thread…
Never understood this obsession with white meat. It's bland, worse in texture, worse in ability to resist heat, worse in flavor. It's worse in everything.
I can't wait until someone genetically modifies a chicken with 4 legs instead.

Probably a few things going on that have lead to a perception that white meat is "premium." If I were to take a stab at it:

- Less fat - some people seem to equate that with being more healthy.
- I think that - to a lot of westerners, anyway - chewy/rubbery is a turn-off, so connective tissues turn legs/thighs in to Russian Roulette. When I make stuff like chicken adobo, my son will leave a lot of meat on the bones, and I'm pretty sure that it's because he's grossed out by the prospect of biting in to/chewing on a tendon.
For the record I love white meat in the right applications, i.e. Hainanese Chicken Rice or a sandwich. My example was specific to McD’s chicken nuggets haha

I can't wait until someone genetically modifies a chicken with 4 legs instead.

- I think that - to a lot of westerners, anyway - chewy/rubbery is a turn-off, so connective tissues turn legs/thighs in to Russian Roulette. When I make stuff like chicken adobo, my son will leave a lot of meat on the bones, and I'm pretty sure that it's because he's grossed out by the prospect of biting in to/chewing on a tendon.
I would like it on record that when I eat chicken wings, there is nothing left but bone and the really big bit of cartilage at the top of the drumette.

Family fear me, friends want to be me.
Oh yes. A well-built Jewish-deli corned beef sandwich is a basic pleasure.
Pastrami on rye. From Katz’s. Only have had it 3 times, but I crave it pretty much daily…

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Was always a staple when visiting family in New York.
Used to always go to a great deli in Florida too.

Wish there was one near me here in California that was decent. There’s one down in San Diego I forget the name of
Was always a staple when visiting family in New York.
Used to always go to a great deli in Florida too.

Wish there was one near me here in California that was decent. There’s one down in San Diego I forget the name of
Yeah here in the Mojave, ~shrug~
or more simply, steamed rice + fried egg(s) + soy, i.e., gyeran bap

gochujang required, banchan optional
This is my breakfast 3 or 4 days per week. Well, for most of this year, at least, and no signs of getting tired of it.
Honestly, can't name just one, much of what I eat are comfort foods.
I define comfort foods as *inexpensive, familiar, easy to make or easy to find. [*fresh ahi (yellowfin)/aku (katsuo) is reasonably priced in Hawaii if you know where to look]
Here're three of my comfort foods:


Sashimi! Been eating it nearly all my life, mom says she first fed me raw fish at age two. It's on the supper table more times than not whenever I visit my family.


Steak! Whether it's London broil, hanger (shown), or strip—love it all, a very grounding food for me.


Bún bò Huế! Hands down my favorite from the Vietnamese soup repertoire—spicy, lemongrassy, beefy, porky—jungle in a bowl awesomeness.
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To me, hanger steak is the steak that almost makes every other cut of steak irrelevant. Especially since hanger steak is cheaper. Best cut on the cow yet one of the cheapest. 🤷‍♂️
Turns almost every other red meat comparison into a 'well it's great.... but it's no hanger steak'. You just can't beat it for flavor.
Pastrami on rye. From Katz’s. Only have had it 3 times, but I crave it pretty much daily…

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I still remember being 11 and being taken to Katz for the first time by my mom. I couldn’t understand why all the sandwiches were $18+

I wish someone had recorded my eyes when I first saw the size of my sandwich
To me, hanger steak is the steak that almost makes every other cut of steak irrelevant. Especially since hanger steak is cheaper. Best cut on the cow yet one of the cheapest. 🤷‍♂️
Turns almost every other red meat comparison into a 'well it's great.... but it's no hanger steak'. You just can't beat it for flavor.
My favorite cuts are the more robustly beefy cuts, like hanger, flank, skirt, flat iron, strip—although I’d happily eat a steak from almost anywhere on a steer. I’d agree that hanger is the beefiest cut, also love how the loose muscle structure takes on seasoning/marinade well—because of hangers’ innate chewiness, I prefer it cooked closer to the medium side of medium-rare. Ah, it’s been months since I’ve eaten a hanger, long overdue now.
For breakfast its either Eggs,fresh Pretzels or Müsli ...definitely no lunch... and for dinner anything noodles