Dumb work injuries

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Don't let the FNG's distract you! 😬
I used to keep surgical cyanocrylic in the fridge, since some years I changed over to the regular stuff that comes without an expiry date 😁 as it gets so little use. Great stuff, and I am sure it was invented for skin, as it hardly glues anything else, even when you try there is more skin glued together than whatever you need to glue.
Put the beets and the veg in the walk in, leave the mess there until shift change and I guarantee the FNG is gonna puke out back. :)
Had a mandolin fall off a prep table at work. I didn’t realize what happened until I saw it hit the floor & felt air hitting fresh meat on the pad of my pinky finger. It took most of the pad, fat, & some meat clean off. Should know more after 48 hours when I get new dressing put on…
I can't remember if I told this one already or not and I'm too lazy to go back and look. One time I doubled back to work because I left my house keys in my desk. I walk into the kitchen and there's three dudes in complete haz mat gear scrubbing every surface of the hot line and all the cooks were gone even though it was only like 6 o'clock at night. The Chef de Cuisine was the only one in the office and I asked him what was going on. Turns out that one of the cooks tried to grab a falling knife and he caught it with his forearm. It sliced through a bunch of muscles and a tendon. He was bleeding all over the damn place and going into shock/panic attack and had to go the emergency room. And then they had to close the kitchen and call maintenance and housekeeping to clean everything up. The dude ended up okay, eventually. He had to have tendon surgery to restore some functionality and he was out for several months to heal and recuperate.
I used to pride myself when I worked in the kitchen because I never had to get stitched, there used to be someone going at least once every couple of months. Tonight I brought my knife up too high on some onions, took the skin completely off my knuckle, blood everywhere, didn't hit the bone so I dressed it myself but man don't I feel stupid. After cleaning up the mess and getting the wife to calm down looked at my knife there was a perfectly sliced chunk of knuckle skin stuck to the blade.:)

Had a mandolin fall off a prep table at work. I didn’t realize what happened until I saw it hit the floor & felt air hitting fresh meat on the pad of my pinky finger. It took most of the pad, fat, & some meat clean off. Should know more after 48 hours when I get new dressing put on…

How are you going? Well I hope?
I used to pride myself when I worked in the kitchen because I never had to get stitched, there used to be someone going at least once every couple of months. Tonight I brought my knife up too high on some onions, took the skin completely off my knuckle, blood everywhere, didn't hit the bone so I dressed it myself but man don't I feel stupid. After cleaning up the mess and getting the wife to calm down looked at my knife there was a perfectly sliced chunk of knuckle skin stuck to the blade.:)


I had a less severe version of exactly what you described. I clean sliced a flap of 1mm knuckle off. It got lost in the onions I was dicing... I was cooking at home for one. Suffice to say... knuckle sashimi was the secret ingredient that night 😉🤫

The area was a little flat spot for about 6-months!! Seems to have rounded over okay 😅
Doing good! No infection/ nerve damage this is what it looks like after 1week.

Took the photo after I finally was able to get it all cleaned up. There was some gauze stuck, but after a few soaks I was able to wipe it off without messing up the healing process.
Ah such a classic one! Given myself a few of those at work before.
Slow and easy


Yours looks pretty gnarly!! Mine was about 1/2 or 1/4 the size! When you gave us the finger in the previous photo, I was going to remark - you are "correct handed" 😉

The crappy thing about skin injuries on joints is the skin in the area stretches a lot. The constant movement can hinder healing a bit. Keep it clean and let it air dry! You'll be back to full speed in no time!
Oh my. Definitely don’t try to catch heavy stuff in the kitchen better off just letting it fall and not getting injured in the process.
Oh my. Definitely don’t try to catch heavy stuff in the kitchen better off just letting it fall and not getting injured in the process.

Never really thought about it before because it hadn't come up. Instincts kicked in. I saw the #10 can start to fall out of the shelving unit about 5 feet off of the ground. And in my split second brain I was like "that leaves me plenty of time to get my leg over there and break the fall and I'll catch it like a hackysack." Let me tell you. A #10 can bears little resemblance to a hackysack if you throw a major limb under it. This was days ago and it still smarts. Definitely goes on my personal dumb list
Never really thought about it before because it hadn't come up. Instincts kicked in. I saw the #10 can start to fall out of the shelving unit about 5 feet off of the ground. And in my split second brain I was like "that leaves me plenty of time to get my leg over there and break the fall and I'll catch it like a hackysack." Let me tell you. A #10 can bears little resemblance to a hackysack if you throw a major limb under it. This was days ago and it still smarts. Definitely goes on my personal dumb list

A mate of mine grabbed a box of cling film (gladwrap in NZ) missed the catch but caught the little metal cutter with some of his fingers(back in the olden days they had visious serrated cutting edges). A trip to the hospital and he had a couple of finger ligaments reattached.

Don't try and catch things in the kitchen!

Saying that, I generally try the hackysack technique with most things I drop in the kitchen, pots, tins, knives etc...