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  1. VincenteFox

    Show us your sticks (finished handle projects)...

    That makes sense--I thought it looked a little different, but couldn't figure out if it was just different lighting and angle.
  2. VincenteFox

    Show us your sticks (finished handle projects)...

    is this the same handle from the previous post?
  3. VincenteFox

    Damascus 240mm gyuto passaround

    Looks pretty cool. Good luck.
  4. VincenteFox

    ABblades Gyuto Passaround

    did you sharpen/think it needed sharpening at all?
  5. VincenteFox

    Traded (Price drop) 254 mm Birch & Bevel (Spare + Huber) Masur Edition Gyuto - $340

    Bringing this back up once more before agreeing to a trade I've been offered. I'd rather sell and free up the space, but I'd also rather not have a nice knife just sitting around unused.
  6. VincenteFox

    Guirec Peron Honyaki US Passaround

    Ill definitely be in the area, but my twins' birthday is the 12th so personal availability will depend in birthday plans, which are not set in stone yet, and who is in town with us.
  7. VincenteFox

    Guirec Peron Honyaki US Passaround

    I'd be interested! DC area.
  8. VincenteFox

    All Rectangle March?

    how well does walnut take an edge?
  9. VincenteFox

    All Rectangle March?

    Did it need to be cut?
  10. VincenteFox

    My favorite color is BLUE!.............A patina thread.

    I just want to say I'm amazed at this threads longevity.
  11. VincenteFox

    ABblades Gyuto Passaround

    East coast us, would love to try. Really interesting grind.
  12. VincenteFox


    Depending on where in the country you are, youll also see picanha called a culotte. Lots of ways to cook, you can slice into steaks and cook accordingly, smoke, grill, but the key is keeping it on the rarish side while rendering that big fat cap a little. To that end, my favorite way is sous...
  13. VincenteFox


    Regardless of killing yourself, you wouldn't want to. It's too rich. That picture isn't even on the high-fat side for A5. **** sometimes looks like it has a layer of frost on it. It's fine for certain applications and fun to try, but agreed that the steaks posted above look excellent (and would...
  14. VincenteFox


    how did I forget to mention tri-tip, it's probably my favorite cut of beef.
  15. VincenteFox

    WTS /WTT 138mm Left-Handed Tsukiji Masamoto Deba in White #2 ($140)

    Last image got weird and attached as a funny little attachment (possibly a limit I didn't notice), so adding it here.
  16. VincenteFox

    WTS /WTT 138mm Left-Handed Tsukiji Masamoto Deba in White #2 ($140)

    I bought this deba in Tokyo in 2018. I have used it three times. I think I've filleted a fish with it twice (which it did well!) and used it for some task it was unsuited for once and cut myself. It seems like maybe it's time to accept that I'm not getting a lot of use out of it. I actually...
  17. VincenteFox

    WTS Cruzeiro Facas 190 x 75mm Large Nakiri

    thank you. arrived safe and sound.