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  1. T

    Flipper alert

    I think it looks cool. The blade part at least. Not money I'm willing to spend on it, but I dig the dammy.
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    WTS Hello everyone, I'm new here. I'd like to share my work with you all.

    Welcome. Your work looks great! Will be sending you a message shortly 😁
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    Unpopular opinions

    I'm not bluffing, got my bags packed for flavortown
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    Unpopular opinions

    Gonna steal this design for my future handle!
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    Daily Knife Pics. Any Knife. Join In!

    Finished the second of two mini cleavers from @Knot Handcrafted . This one is for myself. Similar treatment as the first one, but also included little bit higher level of polish for extra slick food release, and a stabilized walnut handle. 185x75mm, 275g AEBL
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    Best Maker's Marks

    I cant unsee that now
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    WTS Nakagawa x Myojin 240mm B#1 w/ Burnt Oak Handle

    Eyeing something new. Price drop to get this moved. $499
  8. T

    KKF counts to a million

    6221 How many in a bowl?
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    BLISS FOR >$100

    More rectangles to add to the list. I hate you.
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    KKF counts to a million

    6219 Now discontinued though, so hopefully you got enough sock pics to bribe him with
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    Knife findings

    Amboyna is great. The ones with natural reds are amazing. Buckeye burl sure looks cool, but even when stabilized is really soft to work with. Too crumbly in my experience for making wa handles. Personally not a huge fan.
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    Best wood/material for kitchen knife handles and why

    Some followup observations after working with more stabilized wood from various stabilizers. There is actually a HUGE difference in workability and final product quality between the stuff from the big names like K&G and Wood Dynamics, vs the other guys using cactus juice and a vac pot. The...
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    Knife Japan: What's notable, worth buying, etc.?

    Order one without handle, slap on a handle of your choice, and be happy. The KKF speedrun.
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    Daily Knife Pics. Any Knife. Join In!

    Another Kyohei Shindo with a lightweight burnt oak rehandle. This one is not mine, but I'm tempted to pick one up for myself now.
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    Best Maker's Marks

    No love for the screened on QR code?
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    Knife findings

    lol I'm picturing someone individually rounding off the tops of those $0.25 disposable razor blades
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    Knife findings

    Not a kitchen knife, but I love these guys. So handy, and cheap enough on sale to have one in every room of the house.