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Kitchen Knife Forums

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  1. Still-edo

    Your work horses?

    Sorry if this is a repeat. But that thread about stainless knives in restaurant kitchens had me wondering. What do you guys use for your pro kitchen duties? I know some kitchens have different policies. Just in my family, my uncle supplies all that stuff. He is paranoid of the health...
  2. Still-edo

    Lessons Learned

    So I stole my mom's Old Hickory chef's knife that was worn in the middle from years of sharpening. I decided to see if I can fix the profile and thin it out a little. Mistake #1 - Decided to use a stone instead a belt sander. Because technology is cheating... Now 3 hours of my life gone...
  3. Still-edo

    Newbie Cutting Board Question

    Just a random question this morning... Is the wood for some cutting boards stabilized? If so is there danger to getting some of that chem stuff in to food?
  4. Still-edo

    Media Youtube AWESOME!

    We have a youtube knuckleheads thread. Figure we should have one to share awesome findings. I thought this was pretty cool. Never seen anyone break down fish like this!
  5. Still-edo

    Any tips for a newb to the kitchen?

    Looks like I'm heading back into the kitchen. Pretty excited this time around as the aunt has expressed that she is looking to open a new location and needs someone to take over managing duties soon. Until then I'll be swinging the knife and trying to keep from burning myself. I feel I'm...
  6. Still-edo

    Hi Fresno, California

    Hi everyone! I'm Gary. I don't have any knives worth mentioning. But very interested in learning from you knife aficionados. Hopefully one day I can afford a couple nice knives. Until then I shall drool on your pics. Oh I do have a cheap Kai Wasabi Yanagiba. I recently got the bevel...