Recent content by SwampDonkey

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  1. SwampDonkey

    Show your newest knife buy

    Precisely my thinking on it. Saw a bunch of 52100 pop up a bit ago, first new AEB-L I've seen recently now. If I start seeing a bunch of A2 NKD posts then I'll be more antsy I got a few "in about a month" updates so I'm just letting it be a nice surprise
  2. SwampDonkey

    Show your newest knife buy

    I was wondering about his progress, but didn't want to pester. I've been expecting an A2 completed since like February.
  3. SwampDonkey

    Daily Knife Pics. Any Knife. Join In!

    I think I have a type... Left to right siblings: Shindo, Eddworks, Okubo
  4. SwampDonkey

    Best Maker's Marks

    Agree with many already listed here. I've always enjoyed Shindo's "basketball"
  5. SwampDonkey

    Knife findings

    New Mazaki profile drop!
  6. SwampDonkey

    BLISS FOR >$100

    My $90 Shindo nakiri was the first J-knife and sent me a few thousand down this rabbit hole. Should've just stopped there.
  7. SwampDonkey

    Knife Japan: What's notable, worth buying, etc.?

    VG-7 is abuse-tolerant in my experience. Makoto's Ryusei line is my go-to for family members who want a nice, stainless knife. Basically a tougher ginsan to me, felt fine on the stones. Didn't take quite the screaming edge I can put on ginsan but held an effective edge longer than ginsan at a...
  8. SwampDonkey

    Knife Japan: What's notable, worth buying, etc.?

    Very curious about that HAP40
  9. SwampDonkey

    Daily Knife Pics. Any Knife. Join In!

    The nakleaver format has really been hitting the spot for me lately. This Eddworks 185x75 and my Okubo 180x63 have become my most-reached-for knives, despite my love affair with 250s.
  10. SwampDonkey

    Unpopular opinions

    Regarding those big green cleaver handles
  11. SwampDonkey

    Whats cooking? **** Making something fine and fancy?** Just plain good? Show us!

    Didn't get pics except this, but picked up some spiney lobster otw back from the coast today and HIGHLY recommend this recipe. The coconut grits were super good, I added a little curry powder to the sauce too. Worked nicely with the coconut...
  12. SwampDonkey

    Show your newest knife buy

    That's so much better than mine stock, I like a little belly but this was dumb. Yours looks great.
  13. SwampDonkey

    Show your newest knife buy

    Not new, but effectively new. Tall Shindo nakiri with an @eddworks regrind. Old one was was too curvy, so I flattened it a bunch, and Eddie was gracious enough to thin/regrind after it was too thick BTE. He did a killer job. As far as I know this was a one-off and he doesn't plan on doing...
  14. SwampDonkey

    The Oyster Thread

    Boonedocks are great. I order them to a coworker in South Dakota with no issue. If you want more west coast style oysters, I've always had great experiences with Taylor Shellfish. I like that they offer a couple different species. Kumamotos are delicious...
  15. SwampDonkey

    The Oyster Thread

    Big boys from Louisiana. Cracker for scale