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  1. Ochazuke

    Soba Kiri

    I have one. I actually use it sometimes too 😁 Like many Japanese knives, I'd say it's worth it if you're a pro (in this case selling soba for a living). Otherwise just use what you have.
  2. Ochazuke

    The Elephant (not) in the Room

    A cheap, sharp piece of metal cuts food. Arguably this forum is geared towards people having a better knife, but having a better knife doesn't make a better chef. Unless you're in a pro environment where you do heavy volume then a more expensive knife isn't realistically going to make a...
  3. Ochazuke

    what's the deal with small Japanese cooking pot.?

    It's super useful in commercial Japanese settings. Having the measurements also is a plus. It's much easier to get the dashi ratio right when making tsuyu without having to use other utensils. I guess if you're a western home cook there's no real reason to use one. I second the benefit that...
  4. Ochazuke

    Help me choose a Honesuki!

    Probably? We also have tall petties so I suspect it has something to do with feeling like it’s indestructible too.
  5. Ochazuke

    Help me choose a Honesuki!

    I have no idea why, but two of my chefs use the Sakai Takayuki Inox honesuki as their line knife.
  6. Ochazuke

    the DASHI "teabag".

    Kayanoya is legit
  7. Ochazuke

    Togashi’s white 2

    White 2 is still my favorite steel. It works great for me because it’s usually the cheapest option!
  8. Ochazuke

    Most used knives - then vs now

    My most used home knife went from kiwi, to some random inox that I don’t remember the brand of, to a tf denka, and now because of wife and a new kid back to indestructible and cheap with a togiharu aus8 santoku.
  9. Ochazuke

    Most used knives - then vs now

    I’ll go first! For my work gyuto I used to use a 210 unlabeled sk gyuto (probably masakane). These days I bounce between my 240 SS Heiji and my 240 b2 Mizuno Tanrenjo.
  10. Ochazuke

    Most used knives - then vs now

    I’m just curious about how peoples’ tastes have changed. What was your most used knife at the start of the journey and what do you use the most now? Not as interested in what your favorite knife is, more in what you actually use.
  11. Ochazuke

    what food do others LOVE but you don't?

    Toro. When it comes to tuna I’ll take akami any day over toro.
  12. Ochazuke


    I got two good ones recommendations if you can find them: 1) wasanbon - used mainly for wagashi and other confections. Both the texture and taste are fairly unique and you can’t easily substitute. It also makes a lovely syrup for beverages. 2) Okinawa kokuto - I grew up eating this stuff...
  13. Ochazuke

    SOLD Mori Kajiya ko-nakiri 120mm

    I’ll take it!
  14. Ochazuke

    SOLD The Last Dance(s)

    I don’t need another usuba. I don’t need another usuba. (Just keep telling myself)
  15. Ochazuke

    Dear KKF.....WHADDAYA WANT???!

    I’d be down to try a non-Japanese made single bevel. I’d prefer to try usuba or yanagiba over gyuto though, haha