Recent content by Michi

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  1. Michi

    A Bread Thread

    Just leave the butter out of the fridge and wait until it has the right consistency.
  2. Michi

    Whats cooking? **** Making something fine and fancy?** Just plain good? Show us!

    Do I spot some pineapple there?! I’ll have you know that pineapple on pizza is one of the mortal sins!
  3. Michi

    Unpopular opinions

    Same here. But it seems that it isn't as hot anymore as it used to be 40 or 50 years ago. Either that, or my tastebuds are worn out these days. For a hotter mustard, try English hot mustard, which has quite some kick. I've never tried any of the chilli/wasabi/mustard combinations that are...
  4. Michi

    Unpopular opinions

    Gizzards can be a delight, or a rubbery nightmare. Trick is to cook them in broth for an hour or two, dry them, season them, and then put them on the grill. They are both crispy and tender that way, and absolutely delicious. Very low-fat and tasty meat.
  5. Michi

    Unpopular opinions

  6. Michi

    Improved ingredients you'd like to conjure into existence?

    Down Under, the mushrooms I get at the supermarket are generally whistle-clean; no need to brush or wash them.
  7. Michi

    Whats cooking? **** Making something fine and fancy?** Just plain good? Show us!

    Hot smoked mackerel and Waldorf salad.
  8. Michi

    Unpopular opinions

    People should eat a lot more offal. Yes, really.
  9. Michi

    Improved ingredients you'd like to conjure into existence?

    I’ve been cutting them into quarters and peeling them under water. It works and gets rid of the pith, but it’s slow.
  10. Michi

    Improved ingredients you'd like to conjure into existence?

    Pomegranates that don't take ten minutes to get the seeds out of.
  11. Michi

    Unpopular opinions

    I guess we all can work out now how long your penis is… ;)
  12. Michi

    Recipe Requested Fish stock

    I've made fish stock with salmon heads and frames quite a few times. It works fine, but you get a stock that is fattier, with quite a pronounced fishy taste. You may need to use a fat separator or skim off excess fat, depending on how much you end up with. Salmon stock is the kind of stock to...
  13. Michi

    Unpopular opinions

  14. Michi

    Whats cooking? **** Making something fine and fancy?** Just plain good? Show us!

    Picanha, celeriac puree, cucumber salad.