Recent content by EdipisReks

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  1. EdipisReks

    Zwilling-Henckels warranty replacements

    You should see this knife, after Jon Broida went crazy on it.
  2. EdipisReks

    Whats your most expensive hobby?

    I owned a Patek 3940, for a little while. Bought it for cheap, sold it for a lot, paid for tuition with the remainder (social science doctoral students don't get funding).
  3. EdipisReks

    Takeda 240mm gyuto

    Can we get a clearer choil shot? Backlit against white paper is the best way. I might be interested, if it's not the recent crappy geometry, as I haven't had a Takeda in a while.
  4. EdipisReks

    Proper knife and technique to scale and gut a fish

    That right there is the best way to do it. Screw Alton Brown: a properly designed speciality tool is the way to go over a multi-tacker, sometimes (I love Alton Brown, all respect). I store mine in a bag of salt, which kills the fish smell.
  5. EdipisReks

    World's Most Beautiful Knife

    I only like plain knives, these days. it's why I was so excited when the Kagekiyo White 2 knives came out. I would have been happy to pay the same money for a non-lacquered handle, though the lacquer has worked just fine.
  6. EdipisReks

    Looking for a Scallops recipe

    Searing both tends to overcook the scallop. Same principle as frying paneer: you want some effect on one side, but you don't want to make cook the center.
  7. EdipisReks

    Looking for a Scallops recipe

    Seared is, of course, a classic, but I rather like this one. That recipe pre-dates circulators being commonly available at home.
  8. EdipisReks

    Vintage Sabatier Refurbish

    That looks really nice.
  9. EdipisReks

    Knife ID in Chef's Table ep.6: Magnus Nilsson, Faviken

    Those knives look great from the side. I'd love to see choil and tip shots.
  10. EdipisReks

    Anyone here into cigars?

    I love cigars, and keep a pretty well stocked humidor. Having said that, I haven't had one since March. I should fix that.
  11. EdipisReks

    store bought salad dressing?

    You'd might be surprised, especially given that almost every piece of fruit and veg sold is a GMO. They are almost all cross-bred, at the very least, and cross-breeding is genetically modifying organisms. A hell of a lot of non-processed fruit and vegetable have had gene splicing done via...
  12. EdipisReks

    Cured meat projects?

    Central market FTW.
  13. EdipisReks

    store bought salad dressing?

    Same here. Greens are a major cause of salmonella poisoning. Who knows how your local restaurant sources or washes their greens?
  14. EdipisReks

    store bought salad dressing?

    Absolutely. Having said that, I pretty much only eat salad dressing that I've made myself, however, because it tastes better than the jarred stuff. If I were eating the jarred stuff, I'd eat Newman's Own or Makoto. They aren't bad.
  15. EdipisReks

    Cured meat projects?

    Uh, you have my address, right?