The Marlboro Country Cookbooks

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Nov 23, 2023
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Cheyenne, Wyoming
There was a booklet, "Chuckwagon Cooking From Marlboro Country" put out by Phillip Morris in the 1981's that was a freebee given out at liquor stores. It was a gigantic hit. My copy is sealed away its recipes recorded digitally. It interested me because my Great Grandmother Crips was a Chuckwagon cook for William, "Wild Bill" Cody. The popularity of this pamphlet prompted Philip Morris to publish 4 cooks The Marlboro County Cookbooks. All of them are available on Amazon. What is there matches what I know of what My Great Grandmother prepared for the quests, Teddy Roosevelt among them, at Wild Bill's TE guest ranch up near Cody Wyoming. One the things that you see in Chuck Wagon cooking is the use of canned milk, this cannot be substituted condensed canned milk has a unique flavor profile that is important.

Here are the two main cookbooks. There are 2 smaller ones, Marlboro Chili Roundup, and Cook Like a Man.


Wild Bill was Hickok.
Cody was Buffalo Bill, boss of the Wild West Show with such talents as Annie Oakley.