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Feb 28, 2011
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Shigefusa and Yoshikane sujiki 240 mm

Shigefusa is Kasumi Swedish steel
Yoshikane is Kasumi SKD steel

I ordered Yoshikane for work as line knife and wanted to try SKD steel.
FF on is very nice not Shigefusa but very close it is very easy to sharpen and burr come of very very easy almost like carbon steel, steel seems to be more harder too then Shigefusas.
All edges is rounded but not as fine grit as Shigefusas edge and geometry seems more thin on Shigefusa and it is.
Scratches on finish is much finer on Shigefusa and its Natural stone finish on Shigi, but synthetic on Yoshi.

Yoshi is very good knife for its price and finish is much better then any Sakai knifes i have seen.
Sharpens easy and take very very sharp edge.

Here is a video


Shigefusa Yanagi 270 mm, Honyaki Yanagi unknown brand 270 mm and Shigefusa Muki 180 mm


And one more :)
Shigefusa Kitaeji pity 180mm sharpening and cutting

Stone is used Aoto, Hakka and Takashima
