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So Bourdain dates girlfriend, girlfriend does something wrong, so Bourdain is pedophile? :facepalm:

I don't think you should be on a super hero team with @juice.
I thought he was involved with the payoffs and coverups. Maybe I'm misremembering. I guess one can't be a superhero If one wants to fight sexual assault of minors and its enablers and supporters. Let's not speak ill of the dead, though. For all we know he was a decent man and it was his guilty conscience that pushed him over the edge.

If my wife gets a speeding ticket, does that automatically make me a speed demon? 🤔
If you think speeding and sexual assault of minors are in any way comparable I don't know what to tell you.
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I thought he was involved with the payoffs and coverups. Maybe I'm misremembering. I guess one can't be a superhero If one wants to fight sexual assault of minors and its enablers and supporters. Let's not speak ill of the dead, though. For all we know he was a decent man and it was his guilty conscience that pushed him over the edge.

If you think speeding and sexual assault of minors are in any way comparable I don't know what to tell you.
No, I don't think the two things are comparable crimes. Haiyaa.

Was being obtuse in saying how is someone responsible for someone else's actions away from them? As far as I know, it's alleged what he did with the payments and stuff.

I think an adult having sex with a minor is bad. I also think transferring responsibility of my wife's speeding habits on me is bad.

Can't both things be bad without cancelling the other one out?
Well, there are laws saying that you can't help someone conceal serious crimes.
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Some cars let you program an annoying alarm if the car goes over a certain speed.
download (1).jpeg
Let's not speak ill of the dead, though.
Why not? Do they become better people by dying?

If you think speeding and sexual assault of minors are in any way comparable I don't know what to tell you.
If you don't understand the concept of analogies I don't know what to tell you.
If you don't understand the concept of analogies I don't know what to tell you.

I fully accept being an ignorant boor for not understanding that covering up for someone you know committing sexual assault of minors is just like not caring about them speeding. (I'm not talking about you here M1k3)
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I fully accept being an ignorant boor for not understanding that covering up for someone you know committing sexual assault of minors is just like not caring about them speeding.
As far as I know, she was accused of committing sexual assault once, by someone who alleged the incident occurred in 2013, when he was 17, which incidentally would not make it pedophilia, but if he did not consent, something right now unproven, is extremely morally wrong and rape.

She was not in a relationship with Bourdain till 4 years later I believe. It was her and Bourdain who said that person whom she was accused of assaulting was asking for money. Bourdain had been open about his drug use in the past, but had also been open about his journey to sobriety. I don't think anyone has found he had fallen off the wagon.

All of this isn't to claim Bourdain or Argento don't have some big demons, but I don't think its a good idea to be making these sort of allegations and in poor taste about a deceased person, who at least to what we can verify spent a lot of their later years trying to do a lot of good and connect the world at a time so many people want to highlight differences.
I think the best travel show for the past 10 years has been River Monsters with Jeremy Wade. I know way too much about Piraibas and Arapaimas than I will ever have use for.
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After reading through this thread, I tried for a few minutes to come up with a wry, too-subtle joke about how at least now we all know how wonderful and important the work that women do is, but then I got too depressed and gave up.

orangehero, if your real name is Mike P. and you wanna get a little freaky, you can find me in back of the 7-11. I’m always open, at least for you. Please bring Mother. 🥰
orangehero, if your real name is Mike P. and you wanna get a little freaky, you can find me in back of the 7-11. I’m always open, at least for you. Please bring Mother. 🥰

I never go anywhere without my wife...doesn't mean she doesn't like to watch, though. Lotta fuddy-duddies 'round here for people who like to play with knives.
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Not Matus, Sorry.

We got a report about a post in this SShow. I looked at the offending post, then started looking back to determine context. A little bit of humor. A lot of 💩 . I had not looked at it previously cause I don't like Bon Appetit (a lot).

Was a little surprised that Michi thought he could pick up a turd by the clean end and not get dirty. Enjoyed the few examples of humor - thanks LoL and Panda. Orange is now my least favorite color. Didn't like Bourdain when he was ranting about everyone else being a sell-out. Didn't like him as a sell-out. Hope he's finally escaped his demons. For those wanting to cite drunken, amped up Chef, look no further than David Chang. Don't think he's ever been sober - at least not on camera. Analogies are important in a conversation and adults should understand they are not meant literally. So many more things wrong here but I'm getting out.

Let's not do this again soon!
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