Other Homemade ricotta cheese

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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2016
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you will never buy ricotta again....
Scale this down if desired as it made quite a lot.....
5 quarts whole milk
5 cups buttermilk
3 cups half and half (don’t use fat free)
Put in large pot and heat till 175
Stir frequently until curds start to form (no more stirring) and keep raising temp to 175-180...
Turn off and remove from heat....when cool enough to handle
Line strainer with cheese cloth and place curds in strainer....let drain over a bowl in the refrigerator
overnight....store up to 2 weeks....use ricotta as an ingredient or as a dessert....it’s so good...
Important: the leftover whey liquid that separates out is fantastic!!...store in jars or freeze in bags...
Use in place of water or milk in baking or cooking grains or Pasta....many great uses....
Nice recipe. Will have to try.

I often make ricotta a la minute if I want pancakes in the morning. I’ll mix 2-4 cups or so of whole milk with a some lemon juice (tablespoon or two? I forget) and a pinch or two of salt, heat it to 165 F (till there are large curds separate from the whey), then just run it through a fine strainer. I’m probably losing some of it by not doing cheesecloth, but this way it’s strained in 10 seconds vs 12 hrs, and there’s usually plenty.