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  1. mr drinky


    I don’t pop my head in here much, but Mario, Salty, and I hung out in Wisconsin today. It was fun.
  2. mr drinky

    Who is your favorite forum member?

    And of course, labor of love has the finest taste in music on the forum. :)
  3. mr drinky

    Who is your favorite forum member?

    Man, there are so many. I don't even know if I could narrow it down or choose. In general I feel that most of the members who fled knifeforums after the blowup kind of bonded those first couple of years as this site got up and running and content was being generated. With that said, I keep in...
  4. mr drinky

    Damn, it has been a long time.

    Good enough. The ones from Singapore don't care for me, but on the other side my neighbor used to fcuk the drummer of one of the bands that plays my there's that.
  5. mr drinky

    Damn, it has been a long time.

    Yeah, 26th is tough to pull off. I have five bands playing at my house the night before. But I will leave a couple of links to the music. The next time I am in DC will be mid-March.
  6. mr drinky

    Damn, it has been a long time.

    Yeah, I should go to an ECG.
  7. mr drinky

    Damn, it has been a long time.

    I mean, Johnny B. and Wild Boar. You two are classic amazing members. And I also talked with Salty last week which just kind of cracked my silence. Who doesn't love Salty? Bring me names. There are none. And the last time I actually interacted on this forum or with a member, I think I was...
  8. mr drinky

    Damn, it has been a long time.

    Tonight I hung out with a knife forum member. It was good. I asked about a sheep's foot parer from Marko and he showed me his latest Mario honyaki he bought second hand. In January I met up with Mario twice, once in Chicago and another time in Milwaukee. It was really fun and so good to see...
  9. mr drinky

    NYC Restaurant Recs

    I’m upstairs eating the chicken and biscuit sandwich.
  10. mr drinky

    NYC Restaurant Recs

    I just might take you up on that Son. k.
  11. mr drinky

    NYC Restaurant Recs

    I am bumping this, because I am heading to NYC on Thursday. If anyone has any new recommendations, I'd be interested in checking them out. I'll actually be staying in Brooklyn, so anything on that side of the river is game too. My wife and I are taking a short vacation, and then I am...
  12. mr drinky

    A Drink with Mr. Drinky (in DC)

    Wild-B is too modest. He was an awesome host. Picked me up, kept the alcohol dripping, and got to see some amazing knives. I had a great time. And I'll hit you up next time Toddnmd. k.
  13. mr drinky

    A Drink with Mr. Drinky (in DC)

    Thanks for hanging Wildboar. k.
  14. mr drinky

    Turn me on to some obscure music!

    But there is also RL Burnouts by The Falcon. k.again.
  15. mr drinky

    Turn me on to some obscure music!

    RL Burnside rocks. k.
  16. mr drinky

    A Drink with Mr. Drinky (in DC)

    I go to Washington DC way too much these days. I have time today (and maybe tomorrow) to have a drink with some knife knuts if anyone wants to chat for a while. PM me if you are interested. I will be at a bar from 4-7:30 tonight before going to Breakin' Even Fest. k.
  17. mr drinky

    what are you drinking tonight?

    I am drinking a Chardakhi, Iago's Chinuri wine -- from Georgia. There were very few cases that made it into the US -- maybe a couple, and I nabbed a couple of bottles. k.
  18. mr drinky

    Local 188- Portland, Maine

    I have been there a couple of times. Love local 188. Good luck and congrats on the move. k.
  19. mr drinky

    How to make the perfect burger... Looking for help

    After living in the Balkans for some time, these style of burgers never really did it for me. The grind tends to be more fine and mushy, and a Serbian grilled meat plate (while good) will send you to the hospital if eaten too much. I just find the Balkan style of burgers more of a play on...
  20. mr drinky

    EGGS. simple right?

    I love eggs. I started hard cooking them recently by steaming in a basket instead of the traditional hard boil, and they take much less time, are easier to peal, and are so easy to make that I eat a hard-cooked egg every morning. I get the pot steaming, put 6 eggs in the basket, and cook...