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  1. JustAnotherJoe

    Unpopular opinions

    Well that's about all the excuse I need to try set up another tasting.
  2. JustAnotherJoe

    Unpopular opinions

    Marmite > Vegimite Obviously they are pretty similar, but I would bet even the Ausies would agree in a blind tasting.
  3. JustAnotherJoe

    BLISS FOR >$100

    Can I goad you into elaborating? How thin is it behind the edge, doest it wedge in harder veggies, ect...? I've been curious about Ikkyu's knife offerings as so many of them are in expensive.
  4. JustAnotherJoe

    Knife Japan: What's notable, worth buying, etc.?

    You can buy/print little cones that slip onto rods/steels that provides a reference surface for your angle. They work quite well and I am supprised all rods/steels for general consumers do not come with them, but I've been warned about using ceramic rods on high carbide volume steels.
  5. JustAnotherJoe

    What is your Job?

    Engi'nerd, mostly reverse engi'nerding big old industrial equipment. Basically my desk sits in the back of a warehouse under a 20 ton crane that can be used to drop a few tons of steel next to me, and a few weeks after which our manufactures will have production prints. Quite fun I think, but it...
  6. JustAnotherJoe

    GFDS (Ghetto Fabulous Diamond Stone) - is it possible?

    That's because they are resin bonded, so they share more in common with Viveer.
  7. JustAnotherJoe

    GFDS (Ghetto Fabulous Diamond Stone) - is it possible?

    Here you go: By the way, user: Diemaker is the guy behind the edgepro and diamond resin stones.
  8. JustAnotherJoe

    Show Your Newest Sharpening Gear

    Sample size of 2 here, purchased from different vendors a year apart. These two are indistinguishable from one another. Neither of them are as fast as the coticules I've tried (also sample size of 2), but I wouldn't consider them slow compared to other naturals in the same effective grit range...
  9. JustAnotherJoe

    Unpopular opinions

    I'm a bit afraid to ask, but how is there a fast lane on escalators? Are they larger in other parts of the world?
  10. JustAnotherJoe

    Unpopular opinions

    Hosted a pizza night last night. Tunned my back for a minute and one of the local trolls made this... Anchovy and Pineapple (+sweet onions) pizza. Despite the flavorless canned pineapple, I think there is some merrit to this combination that I will likely try to explore in the future (with...
  11. JustAnotherJoe

    Stone Findings

    Griffith Shaving goods have some Nakayama nagura stones for 10-15$ if anyone is in the market.
  12. JustAnotherJoe

    Unpopular opinions

    It's a mixed bag. Many students claim they can read centimeters, but they dont actually know what 5cm looks like. Also, if you think fractional inches are bad (which kids in the 8th grade struggle to read), wait until you encounter the rest of the garbage that is the US Customary Unit system...
  13. JustAnotherJoe

    The Elephant (not) in the Room

    That's what leather aprons are for. Now go get dehydrated, lather on some baby oil, don that supple apron and get fixing this problem! Or at least update your Tinder profile! I actually have done a fair bit of forging in a similar state(minus the baby oil), as summer is too damn hot here.
  14. JustAnotherJoe

    J-Nat Club

    Finally joining the club with some cheapies. Shohonyama Kozaki Aoto from Ikkyu Ave, and a Aiiwatani awasedo kopa from Bernal cutlery. The aoto has a sand inclusion that runs throught the stone, which probably acounts for it's pricing, but for chisiles and plane irons I think digging it out will...
  15. JustAnotherJoe

    The Washita Thread

    Paint me jealous! I've been looking for a hindostan for the better part of a year and have yet to find one. Have you had a chance to oil up that washita and see what it can do?
  16. JustAnotherJoe

    Customers with the worst knives - Museum of Horrors

    At the same time.. you are a genius!
  17. JustAnotherJoe

    A Bread Thread

    That crust is gorgeous! Mind if I inquire what your oven set up / steam control looks like?
  18. JustAnotherJoe

    Using thickened water on whetstones.

    Well that's facinating. How does it compare to mineral oils or water for preventing metal build up? Also, as some one trying to put thier first edge on a straight rozor, thanks for the pointer.
  19. JustAnotherJoe

    Show Your Newest Sharpening Gear

    That's the widest 30mm I've ever seen! Jokes aside these are pretty stones, but they are slow.
  20. JustAnotherJoe

    Loose abrasive for polishing

    Perhaps you are thinking of Uchigumori powder? Being neither of those?