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  1. 1

    WTB Wtb a real Washita and a True Hard Ark

    I have a soft ark, would like a real Washita if you have one to sell. Also, a true hard ark would round out my set from the Ouchitas. Thanks all,
  2. 1

    About Hard and True Hard Arkansas stones.

    Spinning off a topic from the "effective grit size of natural stones" thread, I just got a hard ark from Dan's. Always fun to get a new stone to test drive! A lot has been said about Washitas and Soft Arks, even translucents, and perhaps some of that applies here, but I thought I'd start this...
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    WTB Looking for 220-230 x52+ gyuto, prefer stainless around $300 (got a Markin?)

    Need a family knife and this fits in the drawer rack. PM replies if you have a candidate.
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    WTB WTB Kasfly sink bridge and sandpaper holder

    Been eyeing these for a while. Please shoot me a PM if you can sell, or have a good (cheaper) source. Thanks all, 1315
  5. 1

    Your thoughts on Wakui vs Yoake

    What would you expect from a 210 (matched by price) as far as comparisons of these two? I know these are known for their wabi-sabi, but would like to hear (on avg) which is best out of the box, easiest to tune, best after a tune up, and what to expect to bring each to the same higher standard...
  6. 1

    Any Prep Tips for brilliant patina?

    So what methods work best for you to remove patina with the intent to reset a new, brilliant patina? Does diamond film, diamond powder, stone powder, Alox/SiC or Diamond stones, Flitz, Simichrone, or Koyo all produce the same “prep base” to take on new patina? Does light grit make any difference...
  7. 1

    SOLD SPF $60 Xmas Gift! Shiro Kamo Yoru Tall Petty in Aogami 2, 125mm

    A really neat little San Mai, Kurouchi finish herb-n-garlic knife. 125x42 (4.9"), 78gr. Tall enough for good working height. Blue #2 carbon, 50/50 edge, walnut handle with pakka ferrule. Wicked sharp. Was tipped when I got it, but a couple sharpenings would take it out. I've only touched it...
  8. 1

    Which stones/ brands benefit from dressing?

    Besides all of them! Are there specifics that you've found, especially when new (but to "tune" after new as well)? Columbia Gorge Stoneworks diamonds require it, per the manufacturer who says "The stones should be dressed 2 or 3 times when new to fully break in" and "How new stones are dressed...
  9. 1

    WTB Looking for an RWL-⁷34, knife, 200-220 mm

    Looking for a knife made in rwl34. After all, you gotta love a guy that said, "A knife is a tool, and I make ’em to be used. It burns me up that most of them wind up in velvet boxes and display cases, priced so high your average deer hunter or cowboy can’t afford ’em." If you have an rwl-34...
  10. 1

    WTB Looking for Milan, or heavier Merion and Spare

    Would love to find heavier weights/taller profile in the 200-230mm from these makers. Spare because he's a favorite, Merion because i don't have one yet, Milan because I'm gonna learn to polish in '24! 🙂 If you can sell, please p.m. Thanks all!
  11. 1

    What's the usual application for polishing film?

    What's the application for this product, compared to finger stones? Can this grit be used to erase patina? (obviously comes in multiple grits) I've never used this, so wondering what it can be used for?
  12. 1

    Can you torch horn?

    Anybody tried it? I'd think using a cooler flame might lessen possibility of "melting", but I don't know. Or can it be stained/ colored/ streaked somehow? Wish i had some to experiment on, but i don't.
  13. 1

    WTB Looking for Takeda 215x60 bunka/kiritsuke

    Takeda kiritsuki preferred, or similar. I need good height, 60ish. That 180 posted is just a tad too small. 215-225 would be best for me. Please pm if you can part with one.
  14. 1

    KKF and Good Will- A chance to take care of our own.

    Jedy. What a great guy! I bought my first knife (a Suji) from him, at a great price, and I love that Kagekiyo! In fact, I went back in my "Conversations" to last year, and I found a PM I wrote to him about that buy. It said, "Got that suji today, perfect, just what I was looking for. thanks...
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    WTB Want to buy STEAK KNIVES

    Must be cool or awesome, or both. Please PM, or post if you have a recommendation for cost efficiency.
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    Edge-leading chipping...ouch!!

    So I'm newer, and have a White #2 bunka that I chose to practice with. It was delightfully sharp, but I wanted to compare edges left by a Shapton Glass 4K vs a Belgian Blue. With the Glass 4K: Since already sharp, I started with 15 edge leading strokes, then tapered off pressure to 10, 8, 4...
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    Soft Arkansas or Shapton Pro 1000

    Natural vs synthetic. Stone asthetics vs manuf. appearance. Character vs clone. We just had a long thread for the Pro 1000, but also a lot of hotshots loving that Soft Ark. Price/ size are comparable. Which would you choose for a quick countertop sharpener? Please don't ask what core steel...
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    Flattening/Dressing/Chamfering Belgians and Slates

    Thought I'd ask for tips before I mess something up. I have a Belgian Blue + Coticule to tune up, but wondering about slates too. I have an Atoma 400, some 240 SiC (+ floor tile), and a BB/Coti bout to start with. Anything I need to know?
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    WTB VENEV 400/800, or1k- 2k-ish diamond

    If you have diamonds to part with, please shoot me a pm.
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    Fishermen or Chefs or Fishmongers: Sharpening MagnaCut fillet knives for field work

    I am looking forward to using 9" MagnaCut Fillet from North Arm Knives in a saltwater environment. As fishing seasons rolls out here in Washington, I'll be gifting blades to some friends to enlighten them! I just got a JKI Diamond 6000 from Blokey that I hope will work well on MagnaCut, and on...