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  1. Hassanbensober

    SOLD Yanick Gyuto 240

    Happy to see a Yanick sold straight up with no stupid strings attached. Congrats to the buyer and seller!
  2. Hassanbensober

    SOLD Righty Kipp AEB-L 225mm Gyuto and Isasmedjan Cleaver

    So the makers of the knives are going to assume all responsibility for the shipping of the knives? Why on earth would they agree to that?
  3. Hassanbensober

    J-Nat Club

    Some cool newish ones. Madara pattern aizu, nagura and jokyoji (well maybe) 🤔
  4. Hassanbensober

    Stone Findings

    Anyone have any information on these White Queen 3000 stones? Are they hard Arkansas stones? Not much info to be found in simple searches.
  5. Hassanbensober

    Flipper alert

    My take on the situation. Hate me or don’t I don’t care. If you’re super flashy on the forum constantly showing off top tier unicorn knives and philosophizing over pricing publicly and even dropping hints you might be willing to part with others on the dl. You will get attention and not all of...
  6. Hassanbensober

    WTS Okudo, Ohira Uchi, Shoubu, Maruo, Hideri

    Thanks for the reply. Here’s the number
  7. Hassanbensober

    WTS Okudo, Ohira Uchi, Shoubu, Maruo, Hideri

    Gorgeous stones! Out of curiosity do you know the significance of the 5 digit number as seen on the okudo stone above? Also have a numbered stone and always wondered. Best of luck with the sales
  8. Hassanbensober

    Help me kasumi!

    King 1000 is a killer pre polisher imo. Super consistent. I usually jump to 4k after that. Next I would move into jnats As pointed out by others above if your having trouble with a spot or 2 use some powder or mud from your stone and finger polish with felt or a worn out abrasive sponge...
  9. Hassanbensober

    Does this sort of Yoshikazu Tanaka cleaver exist?

    Yes definitely still have it and use it. I keep it at work in my office. It definitely flies through food. I’ll break it out tomorrow and report back. Like most cleavers with this much surface area I expect some food release issues. Better than some others I have though from what I remember...
  10. Hassanbensober

    Sharpener for non-sharpener

    This flat diamond honing rod is great option for quickly picking up an edge. We keep several around the hotels. This is just a example but there is tons of options out there
  11. Hassanbensober

    J-Nat Club

    Looks like it could be a tomae layer stone. Perhaps some additional photos of the stone both wet and dry might bring out the stone detectives here.
  12. Hassanbensober

    Knife findings

    +1 Mert’s knives are incredible and seem unappreciated here. Have 3 and want more. Need someone to grab this please! I’ve had a exciting but expensive month and this is too tempting
  13. Hassanbensober

    Knife findings

    Just weighed my Takeda as nakiri and it’s under 5oz. So yes appears to be accurate. Feather weights
  14. Hassanbensober

    Should I seal my wooden dai before mounting Jnat?

    I’ve sealed some of mine before mounting them. It can’t hurt and would definitely help keeping the wood from saturating. I also would recommend sealing the wood if it has any nice grains for visual appeal and easy cleanup. If your dai is a carved out depression and the stone fits tightly I...
  15. Hassanbensober

    WTS Absurdly, Ridiculously Huge Sale (2/26 new drops!)

    That Isasmedjan is a honyaki and one of his first few. I sold it here some time ago.
  16. Hassanbensober

    J-Nat Club

    Thanks Auction was listed as aizu but with lack of detailed photos I just assumed it was natsuya or something. Great stone nonetheless
  17. Hassanbensober

    J-Nat Club

    Thanks as always for the advice gents! Some examples of iyoto and binsui with the new one for reference.
  18. Hassanbensober

    J-Nat Club

    Thoughts on this stone? What do you think it is? Self slurries in no time at all. Not as coarse as I would’ve guessed. Pleasant polisher at first trail. Been a while since I’ve picked up a new one so it’s exciting