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  1. OliverNuther

    Help: Bulk-cooking lunches for the week

    Getting creative with leftovers can help also. We had pork ribs for dinner last night and had a few left over. Tonight we chopped the meat up, fried off some bacon and onion, added some bbq sauce and a touch of sour cream and served it over rice. A bit unconventional but tasty nonetheless.
  2. OliverNuther

    Help: Bulk-cooking lunches for the week

    I can’t help much with lunch ideas but I do a lot of bulk cooking on weekends to make freezeable dinners that can be prepared in minimal time of an evening. This is what I currently have in the freezer. Bolognese sauce. This is an obvious and easy one. I make large batches (8kg+) and freeze...
  3. OliverNuther

    Which knife, Tanaka, Tanaka, Wakui

    I like it but I very rarely use it nowadays. I bought it fairly early on thinking that (a) Takeda bunkas looked cool and (b) it would be handy to have a smaller knife for small vege prep sessions, 1 carrot, 1 onion sort of thing. In reality I find myself reaching for a gyuto even if I’m just...
  4. OliverNuther

    Which knife, Tanaka, Tanaka, Wakui

    G’day mate and welcome I’ve got the Tanaka B2 and the Wakui and I can’t split them. Food release, ease of sharpening and edge retention all excellent. The Tanaka might have the slightest edge in food release due to the KU finish and wide bevel but there’s honestly nothing in it. I probably...
  5. OliverNuther

    Need more people, can't find them anywhere.

    I’ve had exactly the same experience in Australia. I used to work for a labour hire company. We provided labourers, mostly unskilled, to industry. You didn’t need any experience; just a good attitude and a strong back and we would employ you. But younger applicants, school leavers in particular...
  6. OliverNuther

    What's in a Japanese home cook's knife block?

    I asked a similar question a while back and got lots of helpful and interesting info here.
  7. OliverNuther

    Common sharpening/polishing mistakes

    It doesn’t make me unhappy as such. I don’t dislike sharpening but I don’t love it either. I don’t spend much time sharpening because I’ve got too many knives that don’t get used enough so they’re not dulling at a rate that would force me to spend more time sharpening and thus improve my skills...
  8. OliverNuther

    Common sharpening/polishing mistakes

    100. Being aware that your knowledge of sharpening is rudimentary and you are in fact a pretty crap sharpener. 101. Reading this thread and being made aware that you actually know much less than you thought you did and consequently you are probably a crapper sharpener than you thought you...
  9. OliverNuther

    Desert in a Shoe?

    Ah ok, I misunderstood. Thanks.
  10. OliverNuther

    Desert in a Shoe?

    Lol. Yeah, it was pretty bad. I’ll have it moved to the bad jokes thread.
  11. OliverNuther

    Desert in a Shoe?

    When interviewed, Segev Moshe said “ I told my sous to make a choux and I guess he misunderstood. I take sole responsibility, I feel like such a heel.”
  12. OliverNuther

    Hello everyone

    Nothing wrong with what you’ve got already. Nevertheless, all of us here are always seeking “better”, regardless of what we already possess. And welcome. You will find a wealth of information here that is rivalled only by an eagerness to spend your money.
  13. OliverNuther

    The Knife that impress non-knife/kitchen people

    A friend reached out one time and went to grab my Toyama off the knife rack. “Wow, cool,” he says. “What sort of knife is that?” “Sort of about 500 bucks” I say. His hand pauses then slowly retracts. Those that simply must play with something get the Tojiro.
  14. OliverNuther

    Visiting Melbourne

    In addition to Nemo’s comprehensive list, the highway north that leads to Queensland is also massively popular with Melbournites and Victorians in general. Thousands of them migrate up here every year. The road back south however, is nowhere near as popular. :wink:
  15. OliverNuther

    Vintage european knives (old carbon steel)

    Nope. Sorry OP, seems like no one knows much about them😉
  16. OliverNuther

    Center cut loin roast - What do you do with it?

    Tonkatsu. I’ve also made good bacon out of them although I have to be honest and admit I prefer pork belly for bacon.
  17. OliverNuther

    New knife handle

    Nah, it’s ok, I’m cool. My only point, however expressed, was that Kickstarter knives are invariably overpriced, inferior rubbish. Poorly designed, poorly crafted and yet there seems to be a never ending conga line of people eager to throw their money away. I was simply expressing my incredulity...
  18. OliverNuther

    New knife handle

    Not at all. In fact I would strenuously suggest they spend time on KKF so that they could discover that better knives exist than the rubbish they have bought on Kickstarter.
  19. OliverNuther

    New knife handle

    Where do all the backers for these various Kickstarter knives come from? Surely it can’t be a completely different set of idiots lining up each time. There must be a core group of morons who have a Pavlovian reaction whenever they see a glossy video with meaningless buzzwords and automatically...
  20. OliverNuther


    Welcome Seb. What part of Oz mate?