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  1. S

    More information on this knife.

    Does anyone recognise this brand, if im not mistaken, the logo is a area logo and not a maker
  2. S

    Need help translating this kanji.

    This one is really giving me a hard time to translate. Hope someone can help as it might become my new favorite Nakiri.
  3. S

    Going big

    Been focusing on 300mm+ knives in the last couple of projects.😂
  4. S

    Need to id before selling

    Hey guys. What have o got on my hands here? The first one is a beat up usba, makers kanij is barely visible but it got this flower/mountain logo on the back. Second one also a usuba with some writing on the handle, and finally a yanagiba
  5. S

    Translation please.🙏🏻

    Just got this girl in, but can't find any info on what kanji it is or what it means. Hope someone can help.
  6. S

    Hi from Denmark

    Well let me just tell you guys a little about myself. I'm not a complete knife nerd, but I love restoring old beat up blades and give them a second life, I also have a little BBQ shop where I sell the knifes that survives my experiments(most of them does) Most of the knifes I get through a...