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  1. ptolemy

    Improved ingredients you'd like to conjure into existence?

    ya, you can do it fast, but the flavor and texture is not there, i.e 90% of american cheeses... i meant fast but retaining it... :)
  2. ptolemy

    The End Game Knife

    i don't think it is, because if you go back 100-200 years, when most chefs used knives that no one here would usually dare to pickup unless they were at mother-in-law's kitchen, yet their food was probably as delicious as it is now... one can apply this rationale to cars pretty much everything...
  3. ptolemy

    The End Game Knife

    yep, for sure. the other issue is.. for me anyway, eyes and ears adjust, so unless you always have side to side comparison to reassure yourself that it's great, you never know.. this is what the big stores do to make you buyer more expensive tv's.. with watches, i have my own set of criteria...
  4. ptolemy

    Improved ingredients you'd like to conjure into existence?

    Caviar that doesn't require killing the fish (I know there is a method that doesn't, but it's not exactly a good one) Being able to cultivate more mushrooms easier Parma and similar types of that or cheese that don't require 1-2 years of aging, same for other very slowly developed foods (I am...
  5. ptolemy

    The End Game Knife

    I think everyone has to decide that for themselves. For knives, for example, I have handled a $1500 rex121 damascus san mai and it looked amazing and was super sharp and a great and balanced cutter. But, eventually, you have to sharpen it and I am not that good at doing a job that it deserves...
  6. ptolemy

    The End Game Knife

    I have done enough hobbies from watches to cameras to audio to other things, and my view is somewhat pessimistic. Higher end you go, the harder it is to use and requires more care and more of an expert to use it to the best of that product abilities. As I was never one of those, I got the nice...
  7. ptolemy

    Whats cooking? **** Making something fine and fancy?** Just plain good? Show us!

    Simple reverse sear tritip, basted in butter and thyme (needed another 5 min of rest, but it was still super juicy) One on the left will be cooked this week with a spice rub and I may marinade it first, we'll see...
  8. ptolemy

    Bought Honyaki blade from here but tip is bent. Advice?

    Hi! My only advice is to work it out with the seller in private so both of you are happy. If bent is going to bother you and it was not disclosed, then I think you know which way you're leaning to. Fixing it, IMO, is not your job and as you said is super risky. Was it perhaps damaged enroute...
  9. ptolemy

    SOLD 16.5" Williams-Sonoma Copper Paella Pan (2mm thick - Stainless)

    main advantage is heads up quicker, more even, and reacts much faster to change in temperatures. you can get even heating in other pans, but it wouldn't heat up as fast or react as quickly
  10. ptolemy

    SOLD 16.5" Williams-Sonoma Copper Paella Pan (2mm thick - Stainless)

    my last copper piece, held on to it for such a long time, but alas, i just don't use such a large and shallow pan anymore and i just don't have space to keep hanging it... so, ya, it's also my favvvvvvvvvv
  11. ptolemy

    SOLD 16.5" Williams-Sonoma Copper Paella Pan (2mm thick - Stainless)

    I am selling my 16.5" Williams-Sonoma Copper Paella Pan. I believe it's made by Mauviel for WS and it's an OLD, about 5 years discontinued model that is larger than the new one and also 2mm thick 1.5mm new one. It's not quite 16.5" but more like 16.3". Internal dimensions are approx 12.75"...
  12. ptolemy

    WTS 206mm Andrei Markin Gyuto

    Thank you. I love Andrei's work and especially the balls he has doing it in exotic and extremely hard to work with steels.
  13. ptolemy

    what's the deal with small Japanese cooking pot.?

    IMO, it's only good for liquid based preparations, where even heating, stickiness, cleanup is not an issue (in general) but yes, beefly handle that doesn't get hot, fast heating, pouring spouts, are likely it's benefits - probably cheap too.
  14. ptolemy

    WTS 206mm Andrei Markin Gyuto

    I take it this is san mai? was it custom job for you"? any chance you'd pm me steel details? having hard time finding the toughness of it, i.e how it compares to say cpm 15v toughness wise, for example