Recent content by A.Malcolm.ations

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  1. A.Malcolm.ations

    WTS 2 Konosuke, 1 Hitohira and a GODAI

    That watetsu hitohira with Y Tanaka Blue 1 might have just become a grail item for me. That thing is absolutely beautiful. Wow. Not at all in a place to go for it unfortunately… but GLWS these beauts!
  2. A.Malcolm.ations

    Show your newest knife buy

    I love this style so much. Makes me wanna make an effort to get on his list for something like this…
  3. A.Malcolm.ations

    Shihan 270mm Gyuto Passaround

    This one is absolutely stunning. Very excited to have some board time with this one. Feels incredible.
  4. A.Malcolm.ations

    SOLD Amekiri (Yoshikane) 240mm White

    Wow, this is a GREAT work knife.
  5. A.Malcolm.ations

    Shihan 270mm Gyuto Passaround

    PLEASE I’m in, Utah
  6. A.Malcolm.ations

    Show your newest knife buy

    Now that is a SWEET knife.
  7. A.Malcolm.ations

    Show your newest knife buy

    What a beaut!
  8. A.Malcolm.ations

    SOLD Kama-Asa Tanaka x Myojin B1 240 Gyuto

    This looks so fun. Love the taper. GLWS
  9. A.Malcolm.ations

    SOLD Northside Gyuto 26C3 (Aus)

    Killer deal for a killer knife. I got to borrow a northside last year and it’s easily one of my favorite knives I’ve used period. Someone got a steal and I love the handle on this one
  10. A.Malcolm.ations

    Daily Knife Pics. Any Knife. Join In!

    Local shop got a batch of Mutsumi Hinoura and these are THIN at the edge. Very flexy. This was from a nice and tall 210 that I almost bought. Really impressive.
  11. A.Malcolm.ations

    Teddy's Timber Giveaway- Konosuke FM

    In, best of luck with the business! Always good to have someone in the community for a timber plug.
  12. A.Malcolm.ations

    SOLD Heldqvist Dammy 250 Gyuto and 300 Suji

    That gyuto is a true treasure. Smart buyer
  13. A.Malcolm.ations

    WTS Tsubaya Tanaka 240mm Gyuto, Watanabe KU 210mm iron-clad Gyuto

    I love that tsubaya branded Tanaka. My first real j knife. GLWS